
Sam, Katie, and Sara-lab partners extraordinaire- had talked for a while about making a chemistry-themed blog with their awesome chemistry-related experiences. One day they were reminiscing about playing google docs tag (chasing each other with their cursors in the spreadsheet) and after that nerdy memory they decided it was about time to go for it.

Welcome to the epic adventure!
Share your chemistry knowledge. Share your life. :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chemistry Professorisms

Has anyone else noticed that certain chemistry professors have certain sayings they are particularly fond of? I have noticed it with Dr. Bates (she quotes old Madonna music a lot), Dr. Buskirk, and Dr. Burton. That's only naming a few.

Here are some of my favorites Dr. Burtonisms:
  • "Then you'll have a grundle of DNA/RNA to work with!" (What's a grundle?)
  • "This comes in a particular flavor and we need to find the right one." (Referring to anything that can have multiple parts or aspects to it)
  • "What you get is a pant-load of DNA/RNA." (Every time I hear this I picture something that shall remain nameless)
  • "With MiniPrep, you can catch that nasty, little bugger in the bacteria." (Referring to a plasmid that was transformed into a Top10 or STBL2 Cells)
What are some of your favorite chemistry professorisms?

Post them in the comments sections to see if anyone else notices them or if it's just me.


  1. Hahaha great post topic. Dr. Woodfield would always start out class with "Questions, comments, smart aleck remarks?" Dr. Asplund always appeals to "dead French mathematicians" for tricky derivations.

  2. I forgot about the dead French mathematicians! They were always my favorite, because it meant less work for me.
