
Sam, Katie, and Sara-lab partners extraordinaire- had talked for a while about making a chemistry-themed blog with their awesome chemistry-related experiences. One day they were reminiscing about playing google docs tag (chasing each other with their cursors in the spreadsheet) and after that nerdy memory they decided it was about time to go for it.

Welcome to the epic adventure!
Share your chemistry knowledge. Share your life. :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Top 10 Reasons that I am a Chemistry Major

1. I can get PAID to go to grad school
2. I understand XKCD
3. I get to bond with my major-mates through lab
4. I hate writing papers
5. BEST. PEOPLE. EVER! (who also just happen to understand my weird fascination with this absurd subject)
6. "These are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard.... and there may be many others but they haven't been discovered."
7. When I make slightly nerdy jokes I feel OK about it
8. When I make really nerdy jokes I feel not OK about it
9. I can't go through a semester without a chemistry class without crying
10. I love carrying around books that weigh practically as much as I do (oh wait....)


  1. I love #'s 1&2. Oh, who am I kidding? I love them all : )

  2. hahaha huzzah for #6! and i'm a huge, huge fan of #1.

  3. Shahn, you're so clever. (So are your friends.) Love, Mom.
